Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now?

My wife follows sports and is actually pretty knowledgeable, especially American football and baseball, but I wouldn’t call her a sports fan. It’s not a passion of hers. However, when we sit down to watch a movie, she tends to love sports movies like Remember the Titans with Denzel Washington, The Blind Side, or even Rocky.

That’s my long way of saying I have a sports story that’s not a sports story.

The Buffalo Bills lost to the Cincinnati Bengals yesterday in the Divisional Round of the National Football League Playoffs, missing out on a chance to go to the Conference Championships next week and a chance to go to the Super Bowl, but win or lose, they’ve taught me a basic philosophy lesson. The Bills fans have a saying “Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now?”

Former Bills head coach Marv Levy’s brought the slogan with him to the team in 1986 and used it to change the culture of the rust belt city and build a team that crushed the rest of the AFC. Fans have clung to the slogan ever since and it’s used often to get the crowd revved up in the minutes leading up to the kickoff. 

The phrase suits the city, which averages about 85 inches of snow a year compared to the US average of 28 and regularly gets large lake-effect storms caused by the cold air coming off of Lake Erie. The city and the team have taken ownership of the phrase as a way of saying, why not us?

Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now? 

The phrase took on an even more meaning after one of their players Damar Hamlin was hospitalized after a tackle during a game against the host Cincinnati Bengals on January 2, when his heart suddenly stopped. He spent almost a week at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center recovering from suffering cardiac arrest before flying to Buffalo to spend about two days at Buffalo General Medical Center/Gates Vascular Institute, where he was discharged two weeks ago.

The phrase certainly meant something to Hamlin.

Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now? 

I heard the phrase earlier this year and then saw it highlighted in an ESPN piece and I can’t stop thinking about it. When I’m in the heat of a tough situation, where else would I rather be? When I’m tired and don’t want to get up for work or run a necessary errand, where else would I rather be? 

Oh, sure, I would love to win the MegaMillions. I would love for Kevin Costner to offer me a job on the next season of Yellowstone, the American Western television series that follows the highs and lows of the Dutton family and their massive ranch. I would love too for Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos to tell me he wants me to move to Seattle to help him make his next billion. 

Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now

I would love all that, but would I really? 

Right here. Right now. 

Oh, I’m a dreamer. Case in point, my recent post analyzing What I want to do when I grown up? but I gotta say that I think Marv Levy was onto something. Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now?

Yes sir, I’m happy where I’m at! At my family’s side.

Images by CBS Sports

37 thoughts on “Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now?

    1. Well, I’m working on that. Hey family, let’s move to Bora Bora. Some members are being a little slow . . . but then I stop and think about it and I remember that, “hey, those slow pokes, they’re the ones that I want to stay here anyway. Bora Bora here I come!!!” Ha, ha.

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  1. This place- the state itself has always been mine and that won’t change. I’m one small town over from where I grew up so I anticipate the area will remain the same. Most of my family is here and I continue to hope that those farther away will return in a few years. In short Brian, this place and my life is exactly where I want to be!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s great that you’re close to where you grew up. Definitely some amazing advantages. I grew up in a small town. I love to go back. I couldn’t wait to get out as a kid. I’m not sure that I could live there permanently now, but I love going back regularly. It’s a great reminder of what’s important.


  2. I agree — what a beautiful statement, mantra, anthem from Marv Levy and I love how you’ve slid it into your life, your worldview, Brian! As much as I love vicarious travel, I love hearth and home more and the predictability of my life at this point. Although….LA’s thought about Bora Bora 😎 is intriguing…if I let my dreamer take charge. If Bora Bora’s on the table…maybe I’d also “rather be…” in Paris? With friends and family? But…if any of your potential benefactors — Kevin Costner, Jeff Bezos appear, don’t forget about your dear blogging friend Vicki…I’ll carry your bags…or whatever. Adventures are good, too, so long as I can mosey back home after…😉😊😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bora Bora wouldn’t be too bad! Paris too. Wow, I like the way you’re thinking Victoria. No, I want to be where my family is. Even if is cold and snowy! Ha, ha. And yes, Victoria, if Kevin Costner or Jeff Bezos come calling, you will be my first call!!!!!! Oh you gotta Dream.

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  3. Whoa – what a great quote — and a powerful post to go with it! I’d add to your list of dreams – being asked to on the Bills PR team because you know how to bring on the inspiration!! Thanks for a great Monday morning team talk!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh my Wynne, you’ve gotten to me too well. As a kid, that would have been a dream of mine. If not on the field, then using my writing skills to help out. Too funny. I hope it was inspiring. The phrase has been rattling around in my head for the past week, seemed too good to not share with others.

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  4. This is so powerful, Brian! I was visiting my parents yesterday and they were watching this game and talking about how inspirational it all was. I’m personally not interested in football, so I didn’t pay much attention, but I bet this is just what they were trying to communicate to me. I think it’s true what they say about home being wherever your loved ones area.

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    1. When I followed sports as a kid, I liked what was happening on the field. As an adult, I tend the like the stories within the stories. The announcers can sometimes hype the stories too much, but I like the natural story lines that start to appear. And I agree with you completely about where home is. I never thought we’d be living where we live now, but it’s where my loved ones are. So, it’s home!

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  5. Another great post about what’s important, Brian. Love where you live, love who you’re living life with. That’s what I’m doing, in the midst of a beautiful, softly falling snowstorm. Beautiful and peaceful. 😊💕

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  6. That’s a great statement. My husband and I were out for a long walk this weekend and as we returned to our neighborhood, at three different times, our neighbors stopped their car, rolled down their window to chat. Everyone was so friendly and happy. The last neighbor lives in Buffalo for half the year and left with a shout “Go Bills!” That was before the game, obviously. After that walk I felt that I was exactly where I want to be.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love the quote. Which leads me to add on: Even if you’d rather be someplace else, now is where you make it happen. You can’t take action anywhere else.

    Glad that you felt happy where you are. That’s the biggest blessing we can all hope for. Here’s to more present moments we enjoy being in.

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  8. I love the details of the snow and the fans that left the stadium or walked around but I would rather go to Australia, England or the Caribbean if I planned to go somewhere warm

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