Where did I put my car keys?

(A version of this story ran April 22, 2016) When a customer service representative asked for the best way to contact me recently, I immediately started giving her my childhood phone number. I haven’t thought about the phone number in more than 25 years. I’m not even sure it works anymore. And it came blurting out... Continue Reading →

Parents: It will all work out!

I couldn't help but look past my wife to next table in the restaurant and the couple sitting with their two young kids. The couple barely said anything to each other. You could tell they were running on too many cups of coffee and fumes. And this was before one of the kids reached across... Continue Reading →

Being authentic

I looked through the glass enclosure at the chameleon. The tiny lizard had a brownish color and pattern that blended into the base of tree. It was hard to tell where he ended, and the tree began. If it weren’t for a sign identifying him and giving basic information on the life of a chameleon,... Continue Reading →

The agony of defeat

As a kid, I looked forward to hearing the loud, brassy opening music to the ABC Television's Wide World of Sports and Jim McKay's opening narration. You knew you were going to see and hear something special. Shots of faraway places and events would flash across the screen and McKay in his recognizable voice would... Continue Reading →

Um, I’m sorry

The media is full of hot takes. You can turn on any news, entertainment or sports show any day of the week and see an analyst review a few seconds of video and come out with speedy piece of commentary that's focused less on being right and more on attracting attention. And oh, it attracts... Continue Reading →

Can you help me Nurse?

The nurse wheeled my wife through the double doors, and I opened the car door and helped her inside to the passenger seat. My wife had a medical procedure on Friday. We had expected that she would be able to come home the same day, but the procedure went longer than anticipated and she needed... Continue Reading →

Thinking like a kid

I could see that my wife was tired from a long week. She wanted to spend the day chilling out, but instead had to attend a bridal shower. To help, I offered to do the grocery shopping. I started off fine in the grocery store. I kept to our list: milk, eggs, iced tea, bread,... Continue Reading →

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