A different kind of creativity

The cold air tugged at me, feeling especially cold on my neck and hands. I forgot my gloves so there wasn’t much I could do there, except push my hands deeper into my pocket. I could do something though for my neck. I pulled on my scarf, grateful that my daughter had crocheted it for... Continue Reading →

When empty nesters lie

I’m training to be a professional IndyCar race car driver. My wife? She’s become a world renown ballroom dancer.  What’s going on?  We regularly talk to our kids on the weekends. These conversations are always interesting. However, as empty nesters, we don’t always have a lot to say. They’re the ones doing lots of cool... Continue Reading →

At Death’s Door

I looked in the car mirror, tightened my tie and took a deep breath. Once my my wife and I were ready, we got out of the car and started walking to get in line for the viewing. The wife of a friend had passed away and we wanted to show our respect. We recognized... Continue Reading →

The Ten Commandments of Me

(A version of this story ran in March 2016.) Best selling author and blogger Gretchen Rubin suggests that readers of her book, “The Happiness Project,” establish a list of personal commandments to be used as overarching principles and guiderails to help lead a happy life. Other philosophers, self help gurus, and writers have had their own spin... Continue Reading →

Throwing up a Hail Mary!

(A version of this story ran on September 24, 2018. My faith has its ups and downs, its rough patches and moments of clarity, but through it all, I’m grateful to be loved.) I pushed the button rolling down my window and let the afternoon sun and wind whip through the car. My day had... Continue Reading →

Knocking on wood!

It’s a cliché, but when they say it was a night not fit for cats or dogs, they were thinking about this night. The intermittent rain made it tough to see out the window. On top of that, my car lights did little to help light up the road, even though the lights coming in... Continue Reading →

A turbo-charged punch buggy

Classic movies, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Mary Poppins celebrate their 50th and 60th anniversaries respectively later this year. Several other hits, including Godfather II and Blazing Saddles celebrate big anniversaries too. You'll find all four on many lists of the greatest movies ever created, they're classics, some of the best filmmaking you'll... Continue Reading →

Look for me there

When Luke Russet was eight years old, his father, American television journalist Tim Russert, took him to a Baltimore Orioles baseball game. As they made their way to their seats, they momentarily lost each other in the crowd. When the older Russert looked back and saw his son, he ran back to him and told... Continue Reading →

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