Making a killing

In the 1987 movie Wall Street, Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko stands up at a shareholder meeting for Teldar Paper and in his smooth, ruthless manner, gives the infamous line: “The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed — for lack of a better word — is good.” His character goes onto make the point... Continue Reading →

Going back on my promise

I'm breaking my word. I promised myself that I would post just three days a week this year. Here I am barely three weeks into the new year and I'm posting an extra day this week. It gets better. I've long made it a goal to stick with writing about the human condition, the situations... Continue Reading →

A day of reflection

We owe a debt to those who protect our freedoms. Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, to honor, support, and thank all those who have served in the U.S. military, past and present. The day of reflection has been set aside since the end of World... Continue Reading →

The loss of a good friend

When my wife and I lived in Northern Virginia, we didn't have a lot of money. We were just starting our careers and pinching our pennies, keeping nights out to a minimum. After a long week of work, we would take the Metro into Washington, D.C. and visit the Smithsonian Institute's National Zoo or one... Continue Reading →

Election day!

Election Day is coming this week. The off-year election includes gubernatorial and state legislative elections in a few states, as well as numerous citizen initiatives, mayoral races, local offices and school board races on the ballot.  While not as sensational as a presidential or congressional race, municipal elections often touch us in ways we never can... Continue Reading →

Five things I need to get off my chest 

Sometimes you have thoughts that boil underneath the surface. You think about them and you push them back, but they keep coming up in your thoughts. Sometimes they're about important issues that touch everyone, sometimes it's about silly stuff that affects only a few people in your life. Anyway, I feel like I keep having... Continue Reading →

Waste not!

I saw the Amazon box and got excited. I was waiting for some new running shoes. When I opened, though, something else hit me: the complete waste of shipping material. I get taking caution to make sure things are not damaged in the mail, but this seemed excessive. Here’s what I mean, first it was... Continue Reading →

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