Neflix is to blame!

When Netflix started out in the late 1990’s it focused on DVD rentals, before expanding into streaming media and later entering the content-production industry in 2013, The company now has more than 209 million subscribers and revenue totaling more than $25 billion in 2020. 

Let me repeat that, they have more than 209 million subscribers. They have a lot of loyal customers. I should be one, but I’m not. 

Here’s why: If my wife ever decides to leave me for Prince Charming or her White Knight, I know right now who to blame: Netflix. 

As I’ve written about in the past, my wife loves crime and psychological thrillers, horror movies and usually anything that makes your stomach turn. You know what I’m talking about, think Criminal Minds and turn up the notch by ten and you got my wife’s attention.

I, on the other hand, hate them. I have an active imagination and naturally put myself in the vulnerable position of being hunted and I’m out of my mind with fear for the next 59 1/2 minutes until the crime is solved.

My wife’s love is my trauma!

Several times this summer, I found my wife watching one crime thriller or another. I sit down beside her and naturally get sucked in before I know it and, when I finally do walk away, I’m playing the nightmare scenario over-and-over in my head. I’ll be so upset that I’ll trembling with fear. Meanwhile, my wife doesn’t even give the show a second thought. 

We try to find something we both like, but we end up fighting about what to watch or endlessly scrolling the Netflix library, never actually settling on something for us to watch. In the end, I usually run to another room to watch whatever sports programming I can find. (Yes, thank God, it’s football season once again.)

Oh, I know Netflix isn’t the only streaming service. I could blame any of the others too. It just happens to be the one my wife watches the most. 

So, it might not make a lot of sense, but if the divorce papers ever come, I’m going after Netflix. 🙂

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